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  • Writer's pictureAaron Wright

How Can You Start Making Weekly Passive Income?

By investing your time and money into all the right places. The world as we know is constantly evolving each day and learning how to take advantage of the numerous opportunities to make money on the internet is probably the best knowledge anyone can acquire today.

Safest Investment Options

Agro and Food Production 🌾

People actually fail to realize the amount of money you can make from investing into mass food and livestock production. There's a whole lot going on in the Agro Industry and taking advantage of its available opportunities is probably one of the wisest investments you can make today.

With numerous companies across the world provide platform online for people to invest into Agro resources and Food production with proper innovations in profit margins and risk management strategies to ensure guaranteed long term profit making for investors.


Crypto Trading and Mining 📈

I'm guessing you already know a bit about Bitcoin, Ethereum and the long list of other cryptocurrencies and their level of impact on the world as we know it today. I honestly can't stress enough on the importance importance of owning assets or at the very least having a bit of savings in crypto. The entire world is slowly but surely getting involved in it's daily use which is quite evident in the continuous surge in value of Bitcoin and even other currencies like ETH and Doge.

Despite all the risks and downsides involved in crypto trading you can't help argue that it's still a literal goldmine once you're getting yourself involved in all the right places. Over the last 5-6 years I've been getting myself involved in a lot of programs and platforms while diligently sticking to my risk management strategies. Overtime I feel I've gathered a lot of experience in field and with the right amount of research I can be able to know what works, what will last and what an elaborate scheme or ponzi looks like. I'm always glad to share my experiences with anyone who would love to interact and below I'll be sharing a couple of platforms that I've been on which a good place to start for anyone looking off their investment journey today.


Stocks and Options 📊

It's pretty much impossible to predict the moves of the stock market, but amidst the unpredictability, the benefits of investing in stocks remain unchanged. What has changed—or needs to change—is the investing public’s perception of the stock market and its associated risks. In addition to investing some of your available cash in a savings account, consider the reasons why stocks continue to be a viable investment and why you should invest in the stock market whether you're a fledgling or a more experienced investor.

Investing in the stock market is a well-worn path to making money work harder, but you don’t have to fork over thousands of dollars to get your feet wet. You can begin by setting aside the few dollars you would normally spend on a daily latte and investing the monthly total in stocks or an an index fund. It’s a virtually painless way to use your earnings in service of your future.

Once you own at least one share or fractional share of stock in a company that offers a DRIP, you can sign up for the DRIP and skip paying broker commissions by buying additional shares directly from the company or its agent. Any dividends earned by your stock are automatically reinvested in more shares or fractional shares, which ideally earn dividends of their own. This means that over a period of years, your stock holdings and earnings have the ability to compound or grow at an accelerating rate without your having to shell out more money or keep tabs on your investment.

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